Friday, June 18, 2010


I love sports. Like they're probably on my top ten favorite things in life. I love the competitiveness, the aggression, the excitement, the feeling of a team, the hard work, the sweat. All of it. The let down after you lose, and the high after you win. The energy, the perseverance, and determination. Can't get enough.

Lately, more than playing sports, I have been watching them. And one thing I've noticed it that I have been brought so much closer to a lot of people because of it. I find myself at parties disputing the latest basketball game, or getting excited about the world cup with all my friends. Moral of all of this: Sports bring people together.

Right now it's 7:30 AM and all my family plus my friends woke up an hour ago to witness the USA vs. Slovenia World Cup game. To get such a large group of people hyped up about the same thing, is honestly really cool.

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