Sunday, June 27, 2010

Freedom: Summer 2010.

Back in Portland. And it truly is so good to be back. Simply put, I am happy here.
And it's summer. Which is just goodness in itself. And people are correct when they say that Portland summers are fantastic.

There is just love all around.

And the sun shines bright until almost 9 PM.

I went on my first run through my new neighborhood today after work. And let me tell you, Multnomah Village sure does have some hills. Geez.

But it's good. It's great. Everything. It's everything I want. Everything I need.

Even though my apartment has zero furniture and I'll be sleeping on the floor for the next two weeks and I'm riding a bicycle that's about to fall apart at any second and I'm working over 40 hours a week and I'm flat broke and I need a haircut (talk about a run-on), I feel that I honestly am at my best here. On my own, struggling to get by. There's something liberating about it.

Ya know what it is? I feel free, and right. All over, everywhere and everything.

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