Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nostalgia to the max.

Not being home for six months is weird. I guess I missed it more than I thought. But Im also remembering the things that I don't much care for here.

Just driving all these familiar streets and stopping in at the usual places.

Seeing all my friends and family is great. But it's something about this town. It's almost haunting me with all my memories here. I have a sort of anxiousness. It's never happened to me before.

It's like this place that I grew up in and had way up high on a pedestal, isn't really what I remember it to be. I mean, it is still beautiful and bright, with the smell of sea salt in the air. My face remains makeup-less and my hair is full of sand and bits of seaweed.

It's just somethin' else. Maybe the people. Maybe it's just me. I don't know.


  1. it's a pretty nutty feelin. I get it too, usually do when I go back home. it's mostly just change, for me. I change. it changes, for sure. and as people change places change cause people are much of what make up places, ya dig? ya, ya dug.

  2. Thanks dawg. I can deff dig that. It's still just so weird to me. Like I guess I have changed more than I thought. Or maybe I have different perspective, more than before? Still figuring it out. Extremely ruminative.
