Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Porcelain Sanctuary.

Ya wanna know one of my guilty pleasures?
They are not environmentally friendly...but I could give two shits.
Just laying enclosed within porcelain walls, naked body engulfed in warm water, in the calm and privacy of the bathroom. Mellow music playing quiet enough that it relaxes me, but loud enough that I can hear it when my ears are submerged.
I can think about everything in a bathtub, or if I so choose, I don't have to think about anything.
As silly as it sounds, to me it's safety and sanctuary.
Baths are therapeutic.

Actually, now that Im thinking about it, really any body of water seems therapeutic to me. This weekend I was at Detroit Lake, and just staring out at something so serene and natural and smooth is comforting to me. Laying on my back in a cold swimming pool and letting the density of the chlorine infested water keep me afloat is so calming to me. But even swimming in the ocean with giant waves crashing over my head is somehow comforting as well. I have a connection with water. It's a part of me; we flow together. I feel all humans are meant to have some sort of connection with the water. I mean, it does cover a shit load of this earth. It's all around us. It's what's keeping us alive. Some people are just hesitant to the currents it provides, or maybe it's mystic depths. If you haven't, I encourage you to just let it take you, the water. Be one with it, move along with it's ripples and waves. If you let it, it can make you feel light and free and almost superhuman.

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