Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's aiight.

Sometimes its ok to want to cry in the middle of Starbucks while you’re doing your homework because a really beautiful song just came on your itunes.

Or to make a text message make your day.

Its very ok to spend too much money at Starbucks on a daily basis.

I find it to be just fine that I procrastinate too much and would rather stand out in the rain than be stuck inside my dorm room for more than an hour at a time.

It’s pretty alright to go to sleep and then wake up and be too lazy to change, so you wear your pajamas all day. And since your pajamas are also your work clothes, then you wear it to work. And then fall back asleep in them that night.

Its ok to crave chocolate even when you know for a fact that you’re not PMSing.

To want to talk to people so bad that you strike up conversations with baristas and homeless people.

It’s just fine when you start finding dreadlocks in your hair because you have been too lazy to brush it all week.

Its perfectly alright to be a hot mess, all the time.


  1. I love your life. I'm a little bit jealous. You're amazing.

  2. Oh the PMS thing. So with you in this. Hugs to you sister. Have a great time....

  3. Thanks lovers. Claire...YOU'RE AMAZING.
    And Ratz...its all about the dark chocolate with espresso beans. So bad...but so damn good.
