Saturday, April 17, 2010

Planned Parenthood

The coolest place ever!
They gave me birth control AND a huge bag of condoms.


I am too sex crazed.
Pahh, scratch that, you could never be too sex crazed. Unless you were like a nympho or something. But even then...who could blame them?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hannah, baby, you are meant for so much more than sleeping around with your "sex-crazed" self. Planned Parenthood is where babies get slaughtered....4,000 of them a day. Please take care of yourself. Because all these PP folks want from you is your money and promiscuity. Hold your head up high, Hannah. God loves you.


  3. Why do you like sex so much? I was just wondering. For me, personally, I used to like sex, but now, I don't believe in having sex with anyone until marriage. This body of mine will be a perfect present for my future husband. The thing that I have noticed in my 19 years of life is that usually guys only want sex to fulfill a physical want, whereas women like to have sex to fulfill an emotional want. I went through a stage where I slept with a bunch of guys because I wanted emotional fulfillment, but I never found it when I was sleeping around. Usually I just got hurt by whoever I was sleeping with, then when I decided to take emotions out of it, I got even more hurt by myself. SO I was just wondering what you get from having sex all the time...

  4. I, too, am a fellow blogger. I just happened to stumble upon yours and I appreciate your transparency. I just wanted to let you know that when people are sex crazed, it's because they're trying to fill a hole in their heart. To have sex with someone is a lot bigger than sensations. All experiences point to our heart's hunger for oneness with God. This oneness CAN be acheived. If you'd like to talk to me about it, my email is . If not, you are free to disregard my comment.

  5. Hannah,
    You are a GORGEOUS young woman don't cheapen yourself for losers and guys who don't care. You are worth more than that and deserve so much more than a few one night stands. Save yourself and when you find your soulmate it will be worth the frustration and the wait.

  6. Hi Hannah! First off, my name is Keith. I am a 30 year old heavily tattooed guy in Denver ( wanted to give you a visual on who was speaking to you so you didn't think I was a 75 year old prude. I agree, I LOVE THE FREAKY SEXY TIME! Here's the thing, Free stuff does not equal your true best interest at heart. I wanted to touch base with you about a few things.

    By providing birth control PP might sound like it has your best interest at heart. My girlfriend and I have actually used PP in the past to obtain different types of birth control. That being said, in the past couple years it has been on my heart to become more active in the pro-life community, and I have learned a lot about PP. Regardless of your stance on abortion I believe that there is a lot that should be learned about PP by the public and nice girls like you. PP has repeatedly lied and misinformed young girls in making decisions on aborting their children. They were founded on racist principles to encourage abortions for some ethnic and poverty stricken groups. This is only the start!

    So what I guess I am trying to say is what PP is NOT doing is:
    1.Providing guidance out of love for the women (and unborn child) that get pregnant.
    2.Promoting healthy sexual relationships that consist of a single partner that exist out of love and not lust.
    3.Giving accurate information to patients that come to clinics.
    So...Just wanted to drop that note. I hope you enjoy your sex life safely, find the right guy that loves you and likes the same things in bed as you and you will never need that grip of condoms ;) It feels better without them and when you are being safe with someone you love too!

  7. Sweetie. People that use to help run Planned Parenthood have testified that they purposely give out low grade birth control, (as a nursing student I can tell you that means it is more likely to get you pregnant. This type of birth control is usually given to people who need the hormones for another reason, like acne, but still want to get pregnant.) and they give defective condoms. In their own words, they have said that their goal is 3 to 5 abortions with every girl between the ages of 13 to 18. They try to become the sex expert in girls lives and separate them from their parents.

    This is a trailer for a documentary done on the subject of Planned Parenthood.

    Please, don't be deceived by them. They hurt more than they help.

  8. Hannah,

    You may have noticed a sudden surge of comments from strangers interested in your sex life and your salvation.

    This isn't a coincidence. A post was created about you on a rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood, anti-abortion and anti-contraception rights blog: Random College Girl Blog – “Planned Parenthood The coolest place ever! They gave me birth control AND a huge bag of condoms.” (Bryan Kemper)

    From the post: “I was hoping some of you would go to her blog and encourage her and witness to her. BE NICE, you don’t need to condemn her or call her names, just reach out to her.”

  9. Hannah,
    You are a beautiful girl who deserves to be treated as precious as you are. Many girls have sex to fill an emotional hole in their hearts. The thing is only Jesus can fill this. One of the Duggars put it so nicely. He said he stayed a virgin until he was married because every person you are with you give a piece of your heart to. When you eventually get married you give what is left, plus all the scars. Please don't believe pp lies. Go on you will be shocked at the facts you will find. You have many people praying for you.

  10. Hey Hannah! I agree with a lot of what these people have said, unless they're calling you names (then I completely disagree). Sex isn't a bad thing, until you make it a bad thing. Please, I ask that you think about why you're doing it before you do it. Yes, Planned Parenthood provides tons of contraceptives, which is great to those who make the decision to have sex, but remember also that they kill thousands, if not millions, of innocent lives every year. I am praying that you will make the right decisions here.. Jesus and I love you.. I hope you don't take this in a creepy way or assume that I'm a hypocrite. I strive to be the best I can be for God. Have a great day!! :)

  11. Hannah, I know you are such a beautiful girl. Please come to realize your dignity and recognize that you don't need sex to fill your hole. No matter what religion you are, stand up for yourself and don't let men use you by having sex with contraceptives. Know that you are lovely and worth more than to please a guy through sex. Let yourself be pursued....

  12. "... recognize that you don't need sex to fill your hole."


    I understand your need to try to save this woman from herself, but could you at least do so without use of crude slang to refer to her lady parts? This is a respectable blog!

  13. hannah, i will not repeat what every just said as i feel the same way they all do..i will just let you know that planned parenthood does give out low grade birthcontrol..they are hungry for their blood money..meaning they want girls to get pregnant so hopefully in the future they can get your money to abort your baby..i will let you know there are a million other places you can go to get birth control if you do not have wishes to you

  14. Good grief. Congrats on taking control of your sexual health by going to Planned Parenthood and having safe sex. I get a Google alert and saw that the anti's had targeted you - they need to get a life and stop worrying about yours. Don't listen to all of their BS about Planned Parenthood - the reason you are getting birth control and bags of condoms is to PREVENT getting pregnant in the first place. They just don't get it. Low quality birth control? WTF? It's the exact same stuff their daughters buy at Walgreens and Walmart (thanks to their health insurance) - oh wait, they think their daughters AREN'T having sex. Just know that the millions of women who go to Planned Parenthood for PREVENTIVE services every year got your back - these idiots need to worry about THEIR mortal souls, not yours. Rock on.

  15. I second everything kerijberry said - it's not enough for you guys to wallow in your sexual frustration(by choice!). You also have to actively seek out those who disagree with you and comment-bomb them. This is what makes it so hard to show any respect for you Puritans.

    My favorite thing about this comment attack? How, several times, it's implied that women only have sex for emotional reasons, and men only have sex for pleasure. Riiight *eyeroll*

    If Planned Parenthood was really conspiring to sell more abortions, why would they give out condoms? That will prevent abortion, something you guys are supposedly all for.

    To wrap it all up, Hedonism rules.

  16. Thank you :P I like easy targets.

  17. Oday, will you comment on my blog? I would like to know what you think...

  18. Hi, my name is Heather. I just wanted to tell you I agree with a lot of these Pro-lifers on here and others. Your are way to beautiful and smart to be giving yourself away to a lot of guys who btw do not care about you, but just want to get in your pants. I just wanted to let you that I am 22 years old and I waited til I was married to have sex. You can stop now, and save yourself for your future husband.


  19. Hannah,

    Me and I am sure many others are praying for you and those of like mind. We are praying that you will find salvation. There is a void in your life and sex will not fill it. Only God can fill it. Feel free to contact me if you ever feel like you need to talk or just need prayer about something.

  20. hannah i just want to share a part of my life with you and if you like you can talk to me on face book im parker mcbride. I was not saved almost a year ago and i was having many problems in my life. One of them was with relationships i have a baby that is a year and a half now and i have not been able to see him since october. Before that i got my girlfriend pregent and she had a miscarage. I was not happy and i was suicidal. My life was not going any where good at all. Then about a year ago i was hanging out with a friend from high school and he shared with me his story as i am doing now for you. That night at about 4am in perkins i made a choice to accept jesus into me life. I have so many friends that are better then any that i have had before. Im getting a custody agreement so that i will be able to see my son soon. I am no longer on any medacation for depression or suicide. I am happier now then i have ever been. Happier then any physical relation ship could ever make me. I just want you to know that jesus love you and no matter what you do he will love you the same no matter what. God bless

  21. God bless you, child. What seems like fun, thrilling, and exciting is actually tearing you apart. You just cannot see it right now. Sex means so much more when you are pledged (married) to one person, and it can be thrilling. More importantly, it is truly intimate and carries so much meaning. It may seem like you can only prove your independence by having sex with whomever you feel like, whenever you feel like, and by advertising it as if it were a 1st place ribbon, but you're becoming dependent instead. Your image solely depends on what you do in the bedroom, nothing more. Sadly, as the number of partners increase, your self-worth decreases. You also devalue yourself as a human being that others should respect by throwing yourself out there as a hyperactive sex toy. (Toys don't have feelings; it doesn't matter if you hurt them or not.) Most of the men who will sleep with you will only treasure your worth as much as they would the worth of the brown paper bag that contained your birth control. You're only good for a moment.

    I am not saying this out of hatred; I am saying it out of love. Please, stop to really think about the consequences of your actions. Birth control cannot stop all consequences, and even the ones it can stop, it does not stop 100% effectively. Jesus is the only 100% effective fail-safe in whom we find comfort.

    Also, please closely evaluate the organization you are praising. Planned Parenthood convinces many frightened, uncertain women to have abortions so that they can line their pockets. They claim to offer women all options, but they fail to mention any of the negatives when it comes to abortion. Conversely, they do not hesitate to mention the negatives of adoption or keeping a child. In addition, they don't clean up the real mess they make in their lives when all is said and done. How many Planned Parenthood centers help women to cope with the grief associated with their decision? They also protect sexual predators who prey on minors who, like you, think that they cannot have enough sex. (Their motives may be different from yours, but the reasoning is still flawed.)

    Again, I do not mean to insult you or hurt you in the least bit. You may even get a good laugh out of this with your friends. In the end, though, I do hope that I have given you something to consider. Please don't cast it aside as easily as you would a used condom. Thank you.

  22. Hello fellow bloggers!
    First of all, thank you for your insight.
    Second of all, I would just like to clarify a few things...
    A)I am only sleeping with one man. Not many.
    B)I got the birth control for free because my insurance covered it. It wasnt just the stuff that they give you.
    C)I do like sex. And I am going to keep having it. I do not believe in waiting for marriage. Im sorry if that upsets you. I dont really feel like you have to be in love with someone to have sex with them, however I think it's important to have a strong connection with them and care about them, which is what I do have.

    I really didn't mean to cause so much controversy. I was just excited I got some birth control and condoms. I mean, at least Im being safe, right?
    Plus. Sex is good. End of story.

  23. sex is good i wont lie there but i can be so much more amazing when you wait and save that experince for the one man that you will marry and you save it for your wedding night its like a preicous gift that you finally get to open then a savior if you wanted so long for and thats what god intended it to be god bless you we all love you so much and only wish to help if you want it that is

  24. Well you see, I really don't like looking at my virginity as an object or a gift that I want to give my husband. I feel that in many ways that kind of objectifies women. I feel like it depicts men as these people that would only want me if my body is "pure" and "angelic." I don't like that. It's my body. And my virginity. And my sex life. And I feel like I have every right to do with it what I want. Not what other people feel I should do with it.

  25. no its not just women that not what im saying its for guys as well and i wish to this day that i would have waited but i know that is not for everyone and at the time in my life i was at it wasnt for me as well. I am just saying i wish that i would be able to give my future wife that as a gift i wish i would be able to tell her that i saved my self for her and her alone and that no one else would be or has been able to have me like you i just wish i could say that to her but i cant and i have to live with that choice i made and not everyone feels like hope your haveing a good time i enjoy reading your blogs they are very interesting god bless

  26. Well I honestly do think that is a beautiful thing to want. I just think we see things differently. Which is totally fine. I actually LOVE talking to people who have different views than me on certain things. I feel like it helps me gain perspective. So thanks for your words of wisdom and opinions.
    Also, thanks for reading my blog! Im glad you like it!

  27. Still praying for you! Still hoping you will be willing to listen to what I and many others have to say and realize that we sayit completely and totally out of love! But, and this goes out to all the Christians that left comments telling Hannah that she is sinning, since she has made it very clear she is not a Christian, you cannot hold her to those standards. Stop trying to clean the fish before you catch them.

  28. Thank you for your comments. And I really do, honestly, appreciate the concern.
    And thank you rhinobarian for pointing out that i am not christian. It does make me a little defensive when people start preaching at me and telling me that i am a sinner and all. I know who I am, or at least, I am in the process of figuring it out.

  29. You're welcome. Like I said in my first comment, Hannah, feel free to contact me if you feel like talking about anything and everything.

  30. hannah m really glad that you enjoy talking in a open invoronment about this it make me see that all non christian are not just out to be rude to us. It says alot about your charater as well and i enjoy ddebaiting and discussing oposing views as well. you are a very bright women and you seem very nice and your blog is turely interesting i enjoy it very much we all love and pray for you god bless

  31. im praying for you. PRAYING. PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING. LET the LORD be with you.

    i love your ass and miss its beautifulness.

  32. IZZZZZZYBOO! Blog again. It will be another form of communication for us.

  33. yea i hope your doing fine and having fun we are praying for you and if you ever want to talk out side of this we are friends on face book im here to listen god bless enjoy life

  34. I just wanted to tell you sex is awesome and so is planned parenthood. That is all.
