Wednesday, September 15, 2010


There's this girl that I've known since ninth grade. She is sunshine. And we've had this strange relationship. Although we went to the same school for four years, we never really hung out outside of class, and we wouldn't really talk on the phone or anything like that. We weren't each other's go-to people. But when the timing was right and we ended up in the same place at the same time, it was like we had known each other our whole lives. Truths and secrets could spill out of us with such ease and comfort, and we wouldn't judge each other. We would only offer support. And although our lives were so different, and we were at such opposite places, we understood each other in this strange, abstract way. Unexplainable.
And just tonight, after not talking for over a year, I get a text message, and before you know it we're talking like we haven't been away for a minute. That quality in friends is something that I appreciate so much. It really doesn't come around that often. Someone that listens and accepts and loves you. Unconditionally. Despite the time you've spent apart. I mean, sometimes family members don't even do that. And for someone to just go out of the way of their own hectic life to display that sort of kindness towards another is kind of a big deal.
I don't know if everyone realizes it when they have someone like that in their lives. I just realized this tonight. After five years. Brilliant shit this is.

I remember one time we were sitting on the grass and she was having trouble with her parents and she didn't want to be connected to them anymore by her last name. So I unofficially changed her last name to Byrd. Bird with a y, just to spice it up. I told her I did it because she deserves to be free, and that she has such potential to fly.

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