Monday, November 16, 2009


So the wind decided to pick up in Portland today, and I kind of like it. There's something exciting about wind, picking things up and stirring them around, causing some chaos. I like chaos.

In sociology we had a former white supremises who was in jail for 18 years come in as a guest speaker to talk to us about prison life, and it was the best guest speaker I had ever heard. Not so much his speaking techniques, but the material that he was talking about. If you wanna know more, ask me about it. It's insane what prisoners go through and how they are forced to conform into this way of life full of hatred and spite and violence.
I think that sociology interests me a lot. Like I am considering looking into careers in it. We'll see.

Tomorrow I am going to go look at apartments with Korey. Yes. We are excited.

Also, I think I am getting sick, which is highly depressing. But I will rest and drink emergen-c and take vitamins and blow my nose.

Some photos from this weekend: We adventured some.

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