Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was sitting outside of Starbucks this morning smoking my cigarette in thought and this funny couple dressed in hipster clothes come stumbling out the door with their coffees. The man kisses the woman rather slopily and she replies with a "Gross!"
He looks at her and says "Gross?"
She replies with a "I mean, fabulous...naturally."
And they part their ways smiling the girl turns around halfway down the block and yells out "Love you!" and the man yells back "Love you!" And they carried on.

This made me smile. Seeing people happy and in love just makes my day.
Then it got me to thinking how I've never been in love. I wonder what I'm missin out on. Something great apparently.

1 comment:

  1. hannah love is easy to find someone is in love with you right now and his name is god and jesus christ
